Juicy pixels set of 3 digital wall art vibrant colors downloadable art prints


A set of 3 files, downloadable art prints with pixelized fruit designs. Vibrant colors in high quality digital printable posters.

Downloading format .zip file containing 3 printable unique illustrations, each design size 4608x3584pixels for clear, detailed printed image.

Your images can be printed at approximately 15.36 inches wide and 11.95 inches tall with excellent quality.

Please be advised to determine the physical size of the printed wall art, de DPI (dots per inch) must be considered.

Pixel Density (PPI):

50 PPI: Suitable for large format prints like posters and billboards when viewed from a distance.

180 PPI: Adequate for prints viewed at arm’s length, such as picture frames and photo albums.

300 PPI: The industry standard for excellent quality prints that can be inspected up close.

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